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The rise of the Foswiki: behold Foswiki 1.0.0 !

Today, we celebrate the first release of Foswiki. It is quite exhilarating, as since the TWiki community was kicked out brutally by the founder Peter Thoeny in Oct 2008, it has been an hectic ride to get this release out of the door. I must say that this experience has been quite enlightening for me, I couldn't believe my eyes on how a depressed, bitter community has totally refounded itself and is now more healthy than ever, with a joyous democratic and innovative energy.

On the other hand, it was hilarious to see Peter Thoeny, left alone in his now deserted "community" of ... himself plus one employee, trying to pretend everything was normal and having formal weekly meetings by themselves, like a modern Robinson Crusoe and Friday on their deserted island... Or his pathetic attemps to hide to users the existence of foswiki.

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PS: also great is the Foswiki debian repository maintained by Sven Dovedoit automatically.
