About Me: Welcome to my old Hacker/Surfer lair, sharing personal code and musings.

Suntimes, a small shell utility

Published 2022-03-03, tags: Code, bash, go, Software, english, front
I just made a small command line utility to display the sunrise and sunset times...

One year retired

Published 2022-02-24, updated 2022-02-26, tags: Code, Programming, bash, go, Blog, english, personal
I have been retired for one year now, and what happened? Well... I basically s...

Completed the 2015 Advent of Code challenge in GO

Published 2022-02-24, updated 2022-02-25, tags: Code, Programming, go, english, front
And I completed the 2015 challenge! (see my previous post (Starting the 2015 ad...

Starting the 2015 Advent of Code challenge in GO

Published 2022-02-09, tags: Code, Programming, go, english
I discovered the advent of code ( in 2021, and did it...
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Reparing a broken leash on the water

Published 2020-12-28, tags: Surf, SUP, english
I have found a simple to do and easy to remember method to repair a broken leash...

Réparer une corde de leash cassée sur l'eau French flag

Published 2020-12-28, tags: Surf, SUP, french
Bon ce matin, je me suis pris une des bonnes séries bien tubantes sur la tête, ...

Le bord de fuite Donaldson, la fin des sifflement des foils et dérives! French flag

Published 2020-07-26, updated 2020-12-14, tags: Surf, SUP, french
Je suis enfin tombé sur une vidéo de Mario Legenstein, de chez Levitaz, qui expl...

The Donaldson trailing edge, no more fin hum!

Published 2020-07-07, updated 2020-12-14, tags: Surf, SUP, english
At last, I have found a good video explaining how to suppress the vibration of f...
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One year retired

Published 2022-02-24, updated 2022-02-26, tags: Code, Programming, bash, go, Blog, english, personal
I have been retired for one year now, and what happened? Well... I basically s...

Pinboard pricing model

Published 2021-03-01, tags: Web, Code, english, Blog
I am a knowledge addict, and always has been. I was reading as many books as pos...

Retired, at last!

Published 2021-02-25, updated 2021-03-01, tags: Blog, Games, english, front, personal
At last, I am now retired! I ceased all activity on 2021 02 17, and my work acco...

A New version of the site for 2021

Published 2020-12-27, tags: Code, Web, Site, Blog, english
A big change is planned for this site in 2021: I am going to abandon the Foswiki...
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