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Suntimes, a small shell utility

Published 2022-03-03, tags: Code, bash, go, Software, english, front
I just made a small command line utility to display the sunrise and sunset times at a location. It can be quite useful in shell scripts. It is a minimal Go wrapper a...

One year retired

Published 2022-02-24, updated 2022-02-26, tags: Code, Programming, bash, go, Blog, english, personal
I have been retired for one year now, and what happened? Well... I basically stopped coding and reading about anything computer related for eight months. I didn't ...

Completed the 2015 Advent of Code challenge in GO

Published 2022-02-24, updated 2022-02-25, tags: Code, Programming, go, english, front
And I completed the 2015 challenge! (see my previous post (Starting the 2015 advent of code challenge in go)). You can read my notes on it on my GitHub (https://g...

Starting the 2015 Advent of Code challenge in GO

Published 2022-02-09, tags: Code, Programming, go, english
I discovered the advent of code ( in 2021, and did it in bash ( of code my solutions/tree/main/bash...

My bash library on Github

Published 2022-02-05, tags: Code, Programming, bash, Software, english
I have started to publish on Github, at colas bash lib ( bash lib), my collection of various bash functions I reuse often in ...

Bash lessons learned with AoC 2021

Published 2022-01-11, tags: Code, Linux, bash, english
I completed all the exercises of the Advent of Code 2021 in bash! (see my previous post (/Code/Advent of code 2021)) You can find my solutions with comments in my G...

Moving to Github

Published 2021-12-10, tags: Code, english, front
*Warning:* I will move all the sources I maintained on my own mercurial web instance in `` to my GitHub repositories:

Advent of Code 2021

Published 2021-12-07, tags: Code, bash, english, front
I just discovered the Advent of code ( coding challenge. It exists since 2015, and seems really interesting in that it is language agnosti...

Irclogger 1.17 released

Published 2021-10-21, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, english, front
A new major version of IrcLogger (/Code/IrcLogger), 1.17 is out. Now the python scripts explicitely require the `python2` executable, not merely `python`, as it h...

Pinboard pricing model

Published 2021-03-01, tags: Web, Code, english, Blog
I am a knowledge addict, and always has been. I was reading as many books as possible, and the advent of the web has been a marvelous gift for me. But I soon realize...

A New version of the site for 2021

Published 2020-12-27, tags: Code, Web, Site, Blog, english
A big change is planned for this site in 2021: I am going to abandon the Foswiki engine for it, to pursue my recent goal of going back to the web roots. Basically, i...

A New Version of the site for 2020

Published 2020-07-26, tags: Code, Web, Site, Blog, english, front, wiki
After 10 years of neglect, it is time for a new start of this site, because: I am going to retire in early 2021 (in 6 months), and I will have now time to properly...

About this site

Published 2020-07-26, updated 2020-12-11, tags: Code, Web, Site, Main, english, personal
Well, this is what you would expect of a personal site. Basically, it is a place to show the world what I did, I do, and I want to do. And maybe, if I ever develop s...

Irclogger 1.16c released

Published 2018-01-16, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, front, english
A new minor version of IrcLogger (/Code/IrcLogger), 1.16c is out. New option `cachepages=on` to cache individual pages for each day. Default is still only to ca...

Migration to Foswiki

Published 2015-10-18, tags: Site, Blog, english, front, Web, Code
At last, I found the motivation to work again on this site that I have left dormant since 2009. And I start with a long deserved migration of the engine from the old...

Irclogger 1.16b released

Published 2014-12-08, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, english
A new minor version of IrcLogger (Code.IrcLogger), 1.16b is out. The case sensitive option was bugged. Found fixed by Christopher Foo Searches are now timeout...

Irclogger 1.16a released

Published 2014-11-30, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, english
A new minor version of irclogger, 1.16a is out. It only fixes minor issues: * Fix provided by Christopher Foo, irclogger was confused when users typed a backslash...

Irclogger 1.15a released

Published 2009-03-14, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, english
A new release of Code.IrcLogger, 1.15a is out, to solve a minor irritating problem: In the html view, URLs in the IRC log text are detected and rendered as proper ht...

Usability issues on a payment form

Published 2009-03-03, tags: Usability, Web, Blog, Code, english
I know, I know, it is easy to nitpick on other people design, but this morning I tried to pay my phone bill online, and... failed. I had to retry many times, because...

Irclogger 1.14f released

Published 2009-02-01, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, english
A bugfix release of Code.IrcLogger to fix style bugs in the search results found by Will Norris, and renaming the "twiki" syntax into a more implementation neutral "...

Scansreader new page

Published 2009-01-18, tags: Code, Software, Scansreader, front, english
Scansreader is a small, fast and efficient linux comics book reader written in C. I have now migrated its home page on this site, from its legacy place.

Rsync-incr 1.7 released

Published 2009-01-09, tags: Software, Rsyncincr, Code, Blog, english
Rsync incr has been updated to version 1.7. It is a small bugfix version for a bug that could happen if you started it, and restarted another in the same minute. A m...

Irclogger 1.14e

Published 2008-11-08, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, english
A small enhancement: in the logs list, we only count actual text lines, no more control messages (the ones with "***" in the name field) See Code.IrcLogger Example. ...

What is good code?

Published 2008-10-22, tags: Code, Programming, Usability, Blog, english
I stumbled upon the blog post "Is it important to write good code?" the other day, and became more and more ill at ease as I realized that I thought that I preferred...

Irclogger 1.14d

Published 2008-10-16, tags: Code, Software, Irclogger, english
Just a mini release for Code.IrcLogger, tweaking a bit the interface in html view of the logs.
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